Return to Denver

Dear friends –
It was never just about a fun trip to Denver.
It was, and continues to be, about working for and winning progress.

Please share the following announcement - and plan - with all friends and family who you think will receive this warmly.



Dear supporter for CHANGE -

My name is Dan Schneider and I was a public high school history and civics teacher for ten years. Recently, I had the honor of travelling to Denver and serving as a Democratic Delegate from the 11th Congressional District of California.

The experience I had there was like no other I have ever had before. I returned confident and energized that 'Yes We Can!' and YES WE WILL win this election.

But it's not going to be easy.

The Electoral College is a strange and demented beast. I have been paying particular election to statewide polls, voter demographics and statistics.

I have come to a potential conclusion that I feel requires personal action and attention:

In 2000 the election came down to the results in Florida.
In 2004 the election came down to the results in Ohio.
In 2008, I believe, that the election will come down to the results in Colorado.

Therefore, in an effort to do everything within my ability to help assure a victory for progress - on Saturday, November 1st - I will return to Colorado for the four days prior to the election,

And this time, I want you to come with me.

In the past weeks I have been in contact with two separate groups who are dedicated to helping us get there (1) Democratic organizers on the ground in Colorado (2) Individuals who run groups dedicated to fundraising to help volunteers travel to battleground states.

Here is the plan:
Anyone who can offer their time, support and energy to Barack Obama in Colorado from November 1- 4 will have the following provided by donors and supporters:
*Air travel to Colorado.
*Room and board in Colorado.

With the help of many friends, I have already begun a separate process of reaching out to people who specifically speak Spanish. Volunteers who speak Spanish fluently are in the highest demand at this point. In fact, having our trip paid for may be contingent on assuring that at least 50% of our party is fluent. A simple way of looking at it is this: If you want to go, but you don’t Spanish, recruit someone who does, and you are locked in.

This Friday, September 26, is the first Presidential Debate between John McCain and Barack Obama – and we’re going to have a party. The purpose of this meeting will be to have a great time, but also to provide you with details and information regarding the trip. The debate begins at 6pm and will last ninety minutes. Our meeting will start immediately after at 7:30pm. We will have two separate conference calls with the individuals charged with delivering us to Denver and organizing us in Denver.

We are currently in the process of securing a private venue, but count on it being in the Pleasanton area. We are prepared to pick people up at Bart. Stay tuned for specific details. In the meantime, if you are interested, please complete the information at the bottom of this email and return it to me at by Wednesday, September 24.

This is moving quickly because it needs to.
I would not ask your time, energy and support if I was not confident in the efficiency of what I am proposing.

I am not in this merely to win it for Obama.
I want to wake up Wednesday November 5th knowing I did everything I could.

In hope,
and effort,


Dan Schneider
Democratic Delegate
California Congressional District 11


Fluent Spanish:
Si_____ No______

RSVP September 26 party:
Yes______ No______ Additional attendees: ________

I cannot go Nov.1-4, however, I can travel and help on these days:

Contact information of a friend I think who would be interested in this:
Fluent Spanish:
Si_____ No______

Some websites for your information:
Register to vote by mail:
More Statistics:

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Dan's Top Postings From Denver I

1. Signs, signs everywhere there's signs The best story to come out of Denver was in the airport on the way home.
2. Yes we can. Yes we will” On the floor of Investco Field.
3. "For Brooke Elizabeth" The day Dan met Hillary Rodham Clinton..
4. “Two full days in nine hours and Snapfish pictures and storyline of Gavin Newsom's "Manifest Hope" Party in Denver
5. Numbers Notes from the Convention Center and information on two important voting blocks: Young voters and Hispanic voters.

Dan's Top Diatribes

1. "Lincoln" Dan sounds off on how the 21st Century Republican Party is no longer the party of Lincoln. To avoid further casual, conservative revisionism, he poses a unique contest of vigilance: winner gets to select something for him to break.
2. "Superman" Using his favorite superheroes in an analogy, Dan makes the argument as to why no Republican should win in November.
3. "Old Argument Odd Package" Dan breaks down John McCain's acceptance speech.
4. Russian Chess Masters" Dan offers a unique theory as to why Russia may have invaded Georgia.
5. “Can Rock and Roll Save the World? Let's see... This one isn’t a rant. It’s a plan.