Signs, signs everywhere there's signs

The Airport in Denver has the most efficient security checkpoint I have ever experienced.
They have five different people checking IDs and about fifteen different metal detectors. Everything is efficient.

They were also nice to me. I had fifty different campaign posters - direct from the Convention floor – tucked into my arms along with my laptop. I was in complete violation of the “two item carry on rule” but they smiled and let me through. I was stoked because I could now bring these signs home to my friends, family and supporters in California.

While waiting in line for the metal detector, a gentleman approached me and asked if he could have a sign. I told him I was sorry, but all of these were accounted for. I actually feared being short.

Then a realization.

“Excuse me, where are you from?” I asked.

“Minnesota” The man responded.

“Well then, you clearly need these more than I do. How many do you need?”

“Can I have three?”

“Will you use them?”

“You bet I will.”

"Then how about six?"

"Oh my gosh, thank you."

"Alright man, get after it. We need your state."

Then it got really interesting.

“Does anybody want an Obama sign to take back to their home state?” I shouted loud enough for all fifteen rows of people and, perhaps, all of Denver International Airport to hear.

“Yeah! Over here” I heard a woman shout out over in line three.

I walked over - half waiting for security to horse collar me. It didn't happen.

“Where are you from?” I asked

“Pennsylvania” She replied.

“How many would you like?”

“Can I have four?”

“How about eight? Will you use them. These are right off the Convention floor?”

“You bet I will”

“Anyone else?” I bellowed.

“Yeah over here.” A man said, over in isle twelve.

“Where are you from?” Still raising my voice.


Laughter from the masses.

“Heck yeah, hang one of these up in Texas!”

I must have zig-zagged through five different security lines to five different people all of which (other than Texas) were from five different battleground states.

Even after I got through security, a gentlemen shining shoes (Colorado resident) asked if he could have a sign. Then his entire team asked for a sign. “Can I have two” his manager asked “I’d like to hang one right here in the airport and in my home as well.”

I returned home with a pile of signs that had been cut by more than half by the Denver Airport, but I am confident that all of the historical artifacts I parted with are LIVING exactly where they need to be.

Here is a photograph of “Battleground States” – directly from the CNN booth on the Convention floor.

Below is a catalogue of the signs I have remaining.

If you know anyone in the states in "battleground yellow” above who would like one of these signs, please let me know and I will mail it to them directly myself. For those of you having trouble reading the picture, or for those of you who are geographically impaired... here are the states, from East to West: New Hampshire, Virginia, Florida, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada.

11 total. Madness.

If you want one for yourself and will put it to good use, then detail to me how you plan on using iand I will find a way to get one to you.

I have seven of these.

I have five of these.

My personal favorite. I have six of these left.

Sorry, but my Irish elders got dibs on these. I will just say, waving a Kennedy sign in a Democratic Convention is not an experience I took lightly nor will soon forget. I get goosebumps now as I type this.

One left. The one I had on the floor of Investco Field. I entered Denver International Airport with twenty.

1 comment:

Molly Grady said...

Dan, you are so cool. This is the best idea I've ever heard of--I have a couple signs left too, so if someone contacts you and you're out, let me know, i'd love to do my part.

p.s. i admire your admiration for kennedy. He's one of my biggest heroes in life, and I thought when I saw him in January it would be the only time I'd ever see him, so you can imagine my awe when he walked out on that stage. He's the definition of who I hope to become!

Dan's Top Postings From Denver I

1. Signs, signs everywhere there's signs The best story to come out of Denver was in the airport on the way home.
2. Yes we can. Yes we will” On the floor of Investco Field.
3. "For Brooke Elizabeth" The day Dan met Hillary Rodham Clinton..
4. “Two full days in nine hours and Snapfish pictures and storyline of Gavin Newsom's "Manifest Hope" Party in Denver
5. Numbers Notes from the Convention Center and information on two important voting blocks: Young voters and Hispanic voters.

Dan's Top Diatribes

1. "Lincoln" Dan sounds off on how the 21st Century Republican Party is no longer the party of Lincoln. To avoid further casual, conservative revisionism, he poses a unique contest of vigilance: winner gets to select something for him to break.
2. "Superman" Using his favorite superheroes in an analogy, Dan makes the argument as to why no Republican should win in November.
3. "Old Argument Odd Package" Dan breaks down John McCain's acceptance speech.
4. Russian Chess Masters" Dan offers a unique theory as to why Russia may have invaded Georgia.
5. “Can Rock and Roll Save the World? Let's see... This one isn’t a rant. It’s a plan.